The Single Most Important Mod That Makes A Difference
As an auto enthusiast, I love watching Top Gear. Especially the UK version with Jeremy Clarkson. (If you haven’t watch it on BBC America I highly recommend checking it out!) Clarkson does an excellent job reviewing cars and has a lot hilarious (and non-politically correct quotes.) This is one of my favorites:
“Whenever I’m suffering from insomnia, I just look at a picture of a Toyota Camry and I’m straight off.”

The reason I bring this up is because Toyota made the Camry to sell a bajillion-million-trillion of them, which they do quite well. But you don’t even notice them on the road. And that’s fine for the person that wants to get from point A to B in a reliable car, but man it is BORING.
I’ve always wanted to be unique and somewhat different than the millions of other people out there. So many people follow the crowd like sheep. Think about it, people get up everyday, put on the same suit and tie and goes into work. Then they see everyone sitting in the cubes next to them wearing basically the same suit and tie. But don’t you want to express your personality just a little bit?!? Come on people!
The same holds true for cars. You’re going to see other people driving the same car as you on the road, unless of course you’ve won the lottery and decided to buy a Veyron. This has probably happened to many of you, but imagine you pull up to a stoplight and look out the window at the car next to you. You see the exact same car as yours. It’s same color as yours, maybe even a bit dirty, and the wheels have curb rash all over them. You feel a little part inside of you die just a little bit. Ugh.

So what’s the most important mod that makes a difference? Your wheels!
With a simple change of your wheels, it gives your car a completely different look. Changing out your stock 15 inch rims for a nice new set of 18’s makes all the difference in the world.
You’re stopped at a stoplight and a car just like yours rolls up next to you. But this time you have your new rims on. You look out the window at the car next to you and see his curb-rashed rims and can’t help but to have a grin on your face knowing your car looks so much better. The light turns green and you take off!